Election Day is Thursday, August 3
Polls are open from 7 am to 7 pm
(Use the button to find your polling location)
If you need a ride to the polls, call us at 615-602-1126


Sherard and Courtney moved to Old Hickory in 1996 when Sherard was called to serve the Old Hickory Presbyterian Church.
• Graduate of Rhodes College (B.A.) in Memphis
• Graduate of Yale University (Master of Divinity)
• Eagle Scout

• Recent graduate of MNPD’s Community Police Academy
• Member Old Hickory Area Chamber of Commerce
• Member of the 100 Club which supports the families of killed or injured Nashville police and firefighters
• Past member Old Hickory Village Neighborhood
• Coached in the Old Hickory Softball League (2005-6)
• Successfully fought to keep a landfill out of Old Hickory (2001). Was one of eight people sued by developer.
• Past Chair of Big Brothers Big Sister of Maury County
• Past Chair of Maury County Library Board
Sherard Edington is proud to have been endorsed by the following organizations and elected officials:
Nashville Fraternal Order of Police
Nashville Firefighters
Larry Hagar
Metro Council District 11
Darren Jernigan
State Representative District 60
Nashville Business Coalition
• Tennessee Titans (1st & Tenn. PAC)
• Greater Nashville Hospitality Association
• A Better Nashville
• Hermitage Golf Course
Sherard Edington is proud to have been endorsed by the following organizations and elected officials:
Larry Hagar
Metro Council District 11
Darren Jernigan
State Representative District 60
Nashville Fraternal Order of Police
Nashville Firefighters
Nashville Business Coalition
Sherard Edington is supported by the following community organizations:
• Tennessee Titans (1st & Tenn. PAC)
• Greater Nashville Hospitality Association
• A Better Nashville
• Hermitage Golf Course
Why am I running for Metro Council?
District 11 is the best-kept secret in Davidson County. We have a beautiful lake and river. We have parks and greenways and world-class golf courses. We even claim the home of an American president. We are justifiably proud of our many unique and diverse neighborhoods.
District 11 is a wonderful place to call home because, for many years, with Larry Hagar and Darren Jernigan on Council, we have been fortunate to have had excellent leadership fighting for the interests of Hermitage and Old Hickory. I want to continue to build on the accomplishments of these Council Members to maintain and improve the quality of life for all residents. I want to protect neighborhoods from unrestricted growth. I want to make sure that we have responsive police and fire protection. I want to clean up the eyesores on our main thoroughfares. I want to do all I can to assist in the creation and development of small businesses.
In order to accomplish these goals I will always listen to the residents of District 11. I will listen to their needs and complaints. I will encourage the input of their ideas to improve where we live and work. I will be accessible to everyone. In fact, anyone can reach me now at (615) 602-1126. I will represent this District with pride and will fight tirelessly to represent all people.
What sort of Council Member will I be?
If elected, I pledge to build consensus at every opportunity. I will bring 30 years of leadership experience to help the Council find its way through the challenges ahead. Each Council Member represents their districts, but all represent the County. We should work together.
Public Safety
The principle role of government is to provide for the safety of those under its care. Nashville has outstanding police and fire departments. We should be proud of what they do for us every day.
I am honored and humbled to have received the endorsement of the Fraternal Order of Police. In me, they saw a commitment to support those who “Protect and Serve.”
I am a recent graduate of the MNPD’s Community Police Academy. For twelve weeks, I attended lectures and demonstrations on the workings of our department. I learned that we have exceptionally dedicated men and women doing outstanding work in all areas of policing.
On Council, I will support the police and fire departments so they may serve our city in the best way possible.
Bicycles and Pedestrians
It is no secret that Nashville is not designed for cyclists or pedestrians. District 11 is no exception. I am a strong proponent of safe bike lanes and paths to connect neighborhoods to retail areas. Wherever possible, neighborhoods should be walkable.
I am in favor of working to bring a reliable and comprehensive multi-modal transit system to the region. We need creative ideas for light rail, busing, bicycles, and pedestrians.
Affordable Housing
Nashville must do all in its power to ensure that residents at every economic level can afford a decent place to live. As Nashville continues to grow, we should fairly balance the profits of development with the inalienable needs of all its citizens. A great city is great for everybody.
Affordable housing is not an isolated issue. It is intricately entwined with public transportation, living wages, sound nutrition, safe neighborhoods, and exceptional education.
Public Education
Here in Tennessee, we spend less than the national average per student on education. That is not something to be proud of. Every dollar we spend on education is an investment in our future. I believe that every child, no matter where they live, deserves a chance at a quality public education. I will fight for educational equity.
Small Business
Small business is the lifeblood of our communities. As a Council Member, in coordination with the Chamber of Commerce, I will do all I can to support the creation and nurture of small businesses. I will also explore the possibility of creating a Business Development District to provide the framework needed to improve potential retail locations.